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بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم الحمد لله رب العالمین اللهم صل علی محمد و آل محمد میلاد مسعود امام حسن عسکری را به محضر امام عصر حضرت بقیه الله فی العالمین مهدی فاطمه علیهما السلام تبریک عرض می نمایم . وهمچنین به محضر همه شیعیان و ارادتمندان، علماء و مراجع معظم و خدمت مقام معظم رهبری حضرت آیت الله العظمی خامنه ای . Birth

 The elevntth bright star of Imamate appeared on the horizens of the sky of guardianship (willayat)in madinah and set in samara . His name was Hassan and surname Abu Mohamad and the welknown titles were" Zaki"and" Askar"i . His father was Imam Hadi ( A.S) whereas his mothers name was Sausan He was 22 when his father was martyred and the period of his Imamats following his father s death was six years. He was 28 when martyred by "Motamid" the Abbasade caliph in the year 260 Hijrah and was burried in Samarah. His only son is Mehdi Maoud (Mehdi the promised one) who will upon his advent fill up the world with equity justice and fairness Islam because of the severe control and restraint in the age of Lmam Askari (A.S)had lost its influence and dissemination. The power helms particularly muttawil the Abbassade caliph endevoured to keep Lmam (A.S) out of the reach people. Since they had Learnt thah the twelveth Imam (A.S) will come into existance from Imam Askari (A.S) and he is the one who will disappear from the sights and acquire the leadership of the Islamic Ummah and establish a single Universal government they were strictly vigilent about the affairs of the Imam(A.S)a But the God who had saved and defended Musa ( Moses) (A.S) from the governmental machinary of pharos could bring the future leader of the Islamic Ummah too into existance away from the sights of people.

متن فوق ترجمه ای از کتاب مقدمه المعصومین مترجم :قزلباش جاوید اقبال ص: 3 از زندگانی امام حسن عسکری می باشد.

امام حسن عسکری علیه السلام امام یازدهم شیعیان جهان در شهر مدینه از پدری به نام امام هادی علیه السلام و از مادری به نام سوسن در سال 232 هجری به دنیا آمد تقریبا هفت سال امامت نموده و در شهر سامراء به شهادت رسید و در همانجا در منزلش دفن گردید. سخنی از امام حسن عسکری علیه السلام : من رَکِبَ ظهرَ الباطلِ نزل به دار الندامه هرکس زندگی اش را بر باطل استوار سازد وارد خانه ندامت شده ، پشیمانی براو عارض خواهد شد. اللهم صل علی محمد و آل محمد